Arteris’ advanced SoC and NoC technologies meet consumer market demands, optimizing performance, power, and cost. Ensuring rapid design cycles and extended battery life.


Unforgiving schedule challenges drive Consumer markets – missing specific seasons like Christmas can decide company destinies – and developing semiconductor components for consumer applications is an intricate task riddled with numerous challenges, including cost pressures due to the extreme price sensitivity of end applications. In addition, consumer electronics are trending towards being smaller, lighter, and more portable, while consumers expect simultaneous increased functionality and performance. Power consumption and heat management are paramount as devices become smaller and more powerful, and consumers demand devices with longer battery life that do not overheat.

With Arteris’ NoC and SoC Integration technologies, developers de-risk their projects to meet the aggressive schedule demands of consumer markets while optimizing area usage with physically aware optimization, leading to the lowest power implementation to meet end-user cost and battery life expectations.

Key Benefits

Time to Market

Time to Market

Arteris technology helps speed up the design process. Rapid design and development cycles give companies a significant competitive advantage in the fast-paced consumer technology sector.

Optimized PPA

Optimized PPA

Arteris' interconnect IP solutions optimize consumer systems' performance, power consumption, and cost, allowing semiconductor vendors to meet the expectations of end users of consumer applications.

Advanced SoC Integration

Advanced SoC Integration

Arteris' solutions aid developers in addressing the challenges of integrating multiple heterogeneous processing elements, memory systems, and communication interfaces into a single SoC.
