EE Times article, “Licensing Interconnect IP for Fun & Profit”

Arteris, Feb 25, 2021

Kurt Shuler, VP Marketing at Arteris IP, authored this EE Times article discussing NoC interconnect Build or Buy.

February 25, 2021

Why do we buy instead of build? Because the guys at the factory know what they’re doing.

The big question then becomes, which parts do we design in-house, and which do we bring in from outside? That’s a whiteboard architectural discussion, which can be heated and emotional. Engineers want to build stuff — that’s what they do. Managers want to get a working product out the door as economically as possible — that’s what they do. If the engineers want to make, and the managers want to buy, who wins? Who gets to make that call, and how do they justify the decision?


Read the entire EE Times article, please click here:

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