SemiWiki: Intelligence in the Fog

Madelyn Miller, Jun 12, 2019

Intelligence in the Fog

June 12, 2019 – By Bernard Murphy

AI is creeping into places we might not expect, such as communication infrastructure. Bernard Murphy learns from Kurt Shuler how AI and AI-centric design methods are becoming more important in this surprising domain.

By now, you should know about AI in the cloud for natural language processing, image ID, recommendation, etc, etc (thanks to Google, Facebook, AWS, Baidu and several others) and AI on the edge for collision avoidance, lane-keeping, voice recognition and many other applications. But did you know about AI in the fog? First, a credit – my reference for all this information is Kurt Shuler, VP Marketing of Arteris IP. I really like working with these guys because they keep me plugged in to two of the hottest domains in tech today – AI and automotive. That and the fact that they’re really the only game in town for a commercial NoC solution, which means that pretty much everyone in AI, ADAS and a bunch of other fields (e.g. storage) is working with them.

For more information, please visit the Arteris IP AI package webpage:

To read the entire article, please click here:

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