EDA Cafe: What Does MBSE Have to Do with SoCs?

Madelyn Miller, Aug 18, 2021

Vincent Thibaut, Director of IP Deployment Product Strategy at Arteris IP authored this new article for EDA Cafe:

What Does MBSE Have to Do with SoCs?

August 17th, 2021 – By Vincent Thibaut

In technology, the only constant is change, sometimes at a dizzying pace. One emerging trend is how product specifications, additions and changes are passed onto system-on-chip (SoC) design teams. Traditionally, this transfer is done by exchanging documents, models (perhaps Simulink) and some form of written use-case descriptions. However, this process is very cumbersome, subjective and error-prone. It is also a very poor method for documenting and tracking revisions required by agile design teams employing best practices. It may not be a problem when building catalog products, but the world has changed.

To read the entire EDA Cafe article, please click here: https://www10.edacafe.com/blogs/arterisip/

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